Safety Applications
RTP 3000 Benefits
ESD, Fire and Gas, HIPS, SIS, BMS
Single, Dual, or Triple Redundant
One Skill Set – One Hardware Platform
Design your safety system to fit your needs
A Safety Instrumented System (SIS) should always take the process it protects to a safe state when it is required to do so . . . and it should never interfere with the operation of the process at any other time.
Every company that operates an industrial process wants to do so safely: without harm to the environment, to employees, or to the community. At the same time, every company that operates an industrial process needs to maintain production with limited unnecessary interruptions in order to remain profitable. The RTP 3000 was designed to accommodate both of these requirements. But, even when using the most advanced SIS system that exists, the whole concept of ISA84, OSHA 1910, and IEC 61511 can be confusing.
RTP can help
With a staff of safety experts and with partner firms to supplement our internal resources, RTP can assist you with your efforts to meet the current stringent and often misunderstood standards.
Every company is required to implement a Safety Life Cycle similar to the one pictured. RTP can assist during every step in this process. From Process Hazard Analysis to SIS commissioning RTP is your one-stop-shop for Safety Instrumented Systems.
And the RTP 3000 hardware can be applied in any sized application, from the smallest ESD or Burner Management System to the largest and most critical HIPS system, RTP has the answer. And, in every case, the answer is the same, the RTP 3000. From SIL-1 to SIL-3, for a few local I/O points or a distributed system with 10,000 I/O, The RTP 3000 and RTP’s customized Safety System Services are the answer to all your safety needs.